What if?

What if we all lived our lives without worrying about what others think of us?

What if making a mistake didn’t terrorize us?

What if failure was as meaningful as success?

What if having scars meant nothing more than that we are overcomers?

What if flaws made us interesting and unique?

What if my worth wasn’t tied to my appearance?

What if we used our imaginations for dreaming and innovation instead of imagining the worst possible outcomes?

What if we celebrated our unique qualities instead of hating being different or hating others that are different?

What if we allowed ourselves to be creative even though that teacher/parent/person said we are not?

What if God sees us differently than we see ourselves?

What if we owned our stories and wore them as badges of honor?

What if that person in our lives is NOT the real enemy?

What if we took back our voices and refused to be silenced?

What if we are enough, just as we are?

What if we didn’t seek that person’s approval today?

What if we loved ourselves?

What if we weren’t ashamed?

What if we operated out of hope and expectation instead of negativity and doubt?

What if I really gave myself fully to this marriage?

What if I became brave and took that risk?

What if I didn’t fear change?

What if I allowed myself to dream again?

What if God wanted good things for my life, even more than I did?

What if?


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